Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow Web 2.0

Is Web 2.0 only for the smart, tech-savvy teachers who are really comfortable with using the latest softwares and are very sure of themselves? Yeah, right!! If it's for me, it's for anybody.

Web 2.0 - in the context of education - is really the name given to 21st century techonology tools used for instruction. Typically, they refer to methods in which cross-communication is possible. Web content (that was referred to as Web 1.0) is now no longer considered a product designed by a particular agency that sends out the message to consumers and that's the end of it. It has given way to Web 2.0 tools that let the consumers talk back as well. In fact, the upcoming Web 3.0 technologies are the true "web" concept with communication threads going over, under, across and through.

Some Web 2.0 examples are blogs, podcasts, social networks and wikis. The list will continue to grow with each passing day as more innovative software comes to be discovered. More importantly, there would also be additions to this list as we find innovative usages for existing (and even old) softwares and internet tools.


  1. In fact, the upcoming Web 3.0 technologies are the true "web" concept with communication threads going over, under, across and through. technology in schools

    1. A little over three years since this post, isn't it intriguing to realize that Web 2.0 is becoming archaic? Changing trends remind us of the necessity of change in our ways of teaching, learning and most importantly, thinking!
